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Aromatherapy | Astrological | Ayurvedic | Chakras | Scent Stimuli |Stones, Resins & Minerals
Aromatherapy blends utilize the positive influences specific scents impart through our sense of smell.
Aromatic scents pulsing through the brain, litany of sweetness persistent as the rain, herbal contemplation hypnotic as their scent, perfumes of the spirit, breathe a sweet content.
Trademarked™ blends are formulated, custom blended and distributed by Global Scent Company®.
Air™ for improved mental state and communication
Arouse™ to awaken the senses and excite passion
Basil increases positivity
Chamomile a light fruity scent that soothes and aids sleeplessness
Clary Sage spicy with low notes like bergamot, a flower from France that eases tension
Coriander this stimulating scent, known to be an aphrodisiac, is great in a diffuser in the bedroom.
Dreams™ for improved nocturnal activity
Fire™ for increased stamina, health and strength
Friendship™ to evoke a positive emotional state
Happiness™ for the flow of energy to all chakra centers of the body
Harmony™ to dispel negativity and enhance wisdom
Inspiration™ for heightened motivation and meditation
Love™ for elevated spiritual and physical relations
Luna™ A medieval formula used by alchemists in the Middle Ages for promoting sleep and deep relaxation. Transforms you into a zone like meditation.
Merrimint™ An uplifting blend of rosemary and mint for joy filled days.
Money Draw™ for procuring a positive flow of riches
Native American a blend of essentials for Native American Traditional use.
Peace™ for mental relaxation and ease of relations
Prosperity™ for fruitful experiences and successful results
Protection™ to create an aura of strength from within
Rituals™ a heady blend of ritualistic scents used in Wicca
Sacred Valley™ Peru’s Magical Sacred Valley
Secrets of the Amazon™ Guarana’ is an energizing fruit grown only in the Amazon Rainforest. The scent is like ginger ale with a punch!
Serenity™ For relaxation and sleeping
Sixth Sense™ a scent for after or beyond life
Solace™ an all organic blend of fresh herbs to help in times of distress.
Solar Energy™ for relief of depression and anxiety
Spirit Quest™ for spiritual calm and peace of mind
Sunlight™ to brighten entire outlook and lift your spirits
Sunrise An aroma therapy blend for uplifting your mood, as a beautiful sunrise will do for you. A combination of citrus and warm notes.
Tranquility™ for its calming and relaxing effects
Uluru™ a sacred stone monolith in Australia – aborigine home
Visions™ for mental stimulation, new ideas and creativity
Wake Up™ for freshly awakening the senses
Water™ for clarity and deeper awareness